What is thyroid disease?

Thyroid disease is a physical condition that affects the thyroid gland. That butterfly-shaped gland situated in front of the neck is the thyroid gland. This thyroid gland produces hormones that help regulate various metabolic processes in the body. Located below Adam’s apple and wrapped around the trachea is the thyroid gland.

Several thyroid disorders can affect normal functioning or structure. The most commonly arises when the thyroid gland generates too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism), or when it produces not enough thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). Other common thyroid diseases are goiter, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer.

What is hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is a thyroid disorder; in this case, it generates too much of its hormone. Hyperthyroidism is less common in men and affects 1% of the women's population. Graves' diseases often result in hyperthyroidism disorder, which affects about 70% of folks with an overactive thyroid.

Also, when there are nodules on the thyroid (a physical condition also known as multinodular goiter or toxic nodular goiter), it could result in the gland overproducing its hormone. Common symptoms of excessive thyroid hormone in the body include restlessness, racing heart, irritability, shaking, anxiety, nervousness, bulging eyes (in graves’ diseases), amongst others.

What is hypothyroidism?

In the case of hyperthyroidism, the body produces not enough hormones. People who went through surgery operation to cut out the thyroid gland, or damaged from radiation and those with Hashimoto’s disease, are more susceptible to hypothyroidism. About 4.6% of people within the age range of 12 and older in the United States are affected by hypothyroidism.

Generally, most cases reported with hypothyroidism are mild. When there is generated too little thyroid hormone in the body, one could experience fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, depression, weakness, dry skin, constipation, memory problem, slow heart rate, weight gain, and even coma.

Medications for a thyroid hormone disorder

Although thyroid disease may be devastating, some medicines can be used to dampen the symptoms. Doctors can correct this disorder with a thyroid hormone replacement or suppressant medication like:

1. Levothyroxine

Produced from thyroxine, Levothyroxine is a treatment medication for hypothyroidism (low thyroid synthesis) that helps regulate the production of hormones by the thyroid gland. Dosage is individualized based on given age, concomitant medical conditions (including pregnancy), cardiovascular status, and the specific nature of the state.

In a case of overdose, it could cause severe or even life-threatening manifestation of toxicity, especially when given with sympathomimetic amines like those used for anorectic effects. Seek medical attention immediately in the case of levothyroxine overdose. Even when Levothyroxine is acting according to the needed results, it may cause some unwanted effects like chest pain, nausea, fever, irritability, tremors, blurred vision, seizure, severe headache, amongst others.

2. Liothyronine

Liothyronine, produced from triiodothyronine, is also a treatment for hypothyroidism, although it is less preferred than Levothyroxine. Liothyronine is also useful in preventing goiter. Liothyronine dosage is also based on age, medical condition, concomitant medical condition, and any other complications. Both initial and subsequent dosage of Liothyronine is based on continuous monitoring of the condition and/or response to therapy.

Seek medical attention when you overdose with Liothyronine. Liothyronine overdose can cause symptoms like headaches, sweating, diarrhea, confusion, and in severe cases, fainting is possible. You should also seek medical attention when you experience signs of side effects like difficulty breathing, nausea, restlessness, heat intolerance, amongst others.

3. Liotrix

Liotrix is a thyroid medication synthetically made from thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the ratio 4:1 mixture. Liotrix helps increase the production of thyroid hormone, thus a suitable drug for hypothyroidism. Liotrix can also help manage thyroid cancer, prevent thyroid gland enlargement, amongst other uses.

Liotrix dosage for treating hypothyroidism varies depending on age, or concurrent medical condition. In the case of Liotrix overdose, patients should seek medical attention immediately. Common symptoms of Liotrix overdose include headache, confusion, sweating, diarrhea, fast heart rate, amongst others. Side effects are also associated with taking Liotrix, which includes hives, irritation, dryness of the eyes, wheezing, amongst others.

Beta-blockers and their uses

A beta-blocker could also mean a beta-adrenergic blocking agent, which are medications for treating physical conditions of high blood pressure and other illnesses. In the case of an overactive thyroid gland, doctors may prescribe beta-blockers.

However, beta-blockers neither change the level of thyroid hormones in the body, nor reduce the production of thyroid hormone in a case of hyperthyroidism, but it would make you feel better by minimizing some symptoms effects like increased heart rate, nervousness, amongst others.

Here are some common beta-blockers, learn why you might necessitate them and what possible side effects do they have.

1. Acebutolol (Sectral)

Brand name Sectral, containing the active ingredient Acebutolol hydrochloride, is a medication that helps with irregular heart rhythm and blood circulation. Acebutolol comes in 200mg and 400mg strength and should be consumed as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Dosage is given on the bases of age, weight, and medical condition.

Symptoms of Acebutolol overdose include severe dizziness, fainting, difficulty breathing, and even seizure, amongst others. Acebutolol also comes with its fair share of side effects in some patients like fatigue, nausea, dyspepsia, constipation, wheezing, amongst others.

2. Atenolol (Tenormin)

Tenormin is a treatment for hypertension to help make lower the blood pressure. It contains the active ingredient atenolol hydroxide, which is a beta 1-selective adrenergic receptor blocking agent. It is useful in treating angina (chest pain). Atenolol also helps to minimize the risk of dying after a heart attack. It comes in 500mg, 100mg, 25mg; 0.5mg/mL strength. If taken overdose, seek medical help immediately.

Common concerns of an atenolol overdose include heart failure, hypoglycemia, hypotension with shock, bradycardia, amongst others. Some people may also experience some side effects after taking atenolol which includes constipation, depression, edema, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, and hallucinations.

3. Betaxolol (Kerlone)

Kerlone contains an active ingredient betaxolol hydroxide, which is a beta 1-selective adrenergic receptor blocking agent. It is available in 20mg and 20mg strength for oral administration. Betaxolol should be strictly taken following a doctor’s prescription, overdosing oneself with betaxolol may cause uncontrolled heart failure, incredibly slows heartbeats, and may even cause you to faint.

The most commonly reported side effects of taking betaxolol include headache, chest pain, unusual tiredness, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and lightheadedness. Other side effects include bradycardia, swelling of the face, wheezing, chills, anxiety, and increased hunger amongst others.

4. Bisoprolol (Zebeta)

Bisoprolol, marketed under the business name Zebeta, is a beta-blocker doctor prescribed to help reduce some symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Generally, bisoprolol is a medication commonly used for heart diseases, specifically chest pain or the high blood pressure.

The dose of bisoprolol to use depends on your age, how can you react to the first dose of this drug, how can be severe your physical condition is, the health condition being treated, and other medical conditions that you can have.

If you consume too much, bisoprolol, you may experience bronchospasm, lower blood sugar, heart failure, a very low blood pressure, or the heart rate. Furthermore, bisoprolol also comes with a series of side effects, with the more common being diarrhea, tiredness, dizziness, and weakness. Serious side effects could include allergic reactions (such as hives, itching, skin rash, and swelling of the tongue, lips, or face), vomiting, tremors, muscle aches, cold, amongst others.

5. Carteolol (Cartrol)

Carteolol, on the other hand, is a non-selective beta blocker used in treating glaucoma. Carteolol is useful in patients who may experience side effects relating to vision problems while treating typhoid disorder. Carteolol works by competing with adrenergic neurotransmitters to bind at the sympathetic receptor sites. As a result, Carteolol would produce a more modest decrease in blood pressure compared to the beta 1-selective adrenergic receptor blocking agent.

Carteolol is also capable of masking tachycardia in hyperthyroidism. The dosage of Carteolol is strictly by prescription. Doctors prescribe Carteolol to patients based on their current medical condition, side effects they may be experiencing, and age, amongst others. Generally, carteolol is widely tolerated, and its side effects are transient and mild, which includes headache, dizziness, insomnia, asthenia, amongst others.

6. Labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate)

Labetalol is both an alpha-blocker and a beta-blocker that works by blocking the action of particular chemicals in the body like epinephrine in the blood vessel and heart. Labetalol is useful in the medical cure of the high blood pressure by lowering it to prevent heart attack, kidney problems, and prevent strokes.

If someone has overdosed with labetalol and has severe symptoms like trouble breathing or fainting, you should call for medical help immediately. Tiredness and dizziness may occur, but these are minor side effects of labetalol, amongst others.

7. Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol-XL)

Metoprolol is a kind of beta-blocker that blocks the action of some natural chemicals in the body like epinephrine, which reduces the blood pressure, heart rate as well as strain on the heart. Metoprolol is taken by mouth after the meal as directed by a medico, which is most often 1-3 times a day. However, the dosage is on the basis of your response to treatment and medical conditions.

Overdose with metoprolol could be severe or mild, in however case seek medical help immediately. Symptoms of overdose include fainting, trouble breathing, dizziness, severe weakness, amongst others. Similarly, signs of metoprolol side effects include decreased sexual ability, diarrhea, slow heart bear, swollen ankles, or feet, amongst others.

8. Nadolol (Corgard)

Nadolol could be consumed alone or with other medicines to treat various heart disorders. Dosage is strict as prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor will determine the right dosage of Nadolol to take based on your age, especially, health condition, and your response to the drug.

Also, nadolol contains inactive chemicals known to have triggered allergic reactions. Furthermore, symptoms of Nadolol overdose include a very slow heartbeat, shortness of breath, fainting, amongst others. Seek medical help immediately.

9. Penbutololo (Levatol)

Penbutolol helps reduce the symptoms in patients with a kind of chest pain, angina, and the high blood pressure. If a person overdoses with Penbutolol, it could result in severe symptoms like fainting or trouble breathing.

Call an emergency immediately. Common side effects connected with taking Penbutolol include abnormal sexual function, visible water retention, low energy, generalized weakness, and difficulty sleeping, amongst others.

10. Pindolol (Visken)

Pindolol is a beta-blocker that blocks the effect of certain natural substances like epinephrine. It is consumed to treat the high blood pressure, prevent strokes, and kidney problems. It is taken orally with or without food usually two times a day or as prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment may last up to 1-2 weeks, depending on your medical condition and your response to the medication. If anyone has overdosed with Pindolol, report such a case to the nearest emergency response unit for further care. Side effects include drowsiness, nausea, weakness, and dizziness as your body adjusts to the medication.

11. Propranolol (Inderal)

Propranolol is an oral medication or better still a beta-blocker that used to treat the irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, shaking (tremors), and/or other conditions. It also helps prevent chest pain (angina) and migraine headaches. The dosage depends on your medical condition and your response to the medication.

Propranolol is usually prescribed 2 to 4 times daily for a period of 1-2 weeks. Report overdose cases to the hospital and seek medical help if you’re experiencing common side effects like lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, trouble sleeping, and vision changes, amongst others.

12. Sotalol (Betapace)

Sotalol is used to treat sustained ventricular tachycardia and most heart disorders by lessening the symptoms. Sotalol is taken orally as directed by your doc, which is usually 1-3 times daily.

Cases of sotalol should be reported to the hospital immediately, as well as common side effects like heart failure, breathing problems, and chronic bronchitis, amongst others.

13. Timolol (Blocadren)

Timolol can help in treating pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma or other eye diseases. Use timolol as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

A case of timolol overdose should be reported to the hospital as it can cause severe symptoms like trouble breathing or fainting. Furthermore, the side effects of using timolol include blurred vision, watery eyes, itching/redness of the eyes, dry eyes, amongst others.

The lifestyle of patients with thyroid diseases?

Lifestyle measures can be used to improve the way our immune system works. Lifestyle changes like reduced stress level programs, exercises, and dietary changes could increase the effectiveness of drugs in patients with thyroid disease.

For example, a person with thyroid disease should aim to sleep for at least 8 hours, exercise more, and improve on their diet. They should improve their diet by loading it up with more rich vegetables, whole grain, fruits, and lean protein.